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Bike and Stay with Us

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Explore some of the best rated trails in Nags Head, NC. Whether you’re looking for an easy walking trail or a bike trail while on vacation, has some good suggestions below. With more than 5 trails, ranging in length from .5 miles to 9 miles, and covering 18 miles, you’re bound to find a perfect trail less than an hour of Surf Side Hotel. We invite you to Bike and Stay with us!

Corolla Greenway…

…offers beautiful views of Currituck Sound and maritime forest along North Carolina’s popular Outer Banks. The paved north-south pathway, which largely parallels N.C. Highway 12 (also known as Ocean Trail), offers access to the beach, boardwalks over wetlands, residential neighborhoods, and shopping and dining areas, like Monterey Shopping Plaza.

A highlight of the route is passage through Currituck Heritage Park, where travelers will find the 162-foot Currituck Beach Lighthouse, the circa-1920s Whalehead Club with its art nouveau architecture, and the Outer Banks Wildlife Education Center.

Length: 9 miles
Trail end points: North Beach Access Road and Ocean Trail/ NC Highway 12
Trail surfaces: Boardwalk, Concrete

David Paul Pruitt Jr. Multi-use Trail…

…is a low-stress place to take a family bike ride or an evening stroll in Kitty Hawk, consider the David Paul Pruitt Jr. Multi-use Trail. The shady path connects two popular area parks: David Paul Pruitt Jr. Park and Sandy Run Park. The former park features a playground for toddlers and young children, and the latter is a 16-acre park within the larger Kitty Hawk Woods Coastal Preserve and features a boardwalk loop through maritime woods & wetlands. It’s a fantastic spot for wildlife and birdwatching. In addition, there is a connection from this trail to the 0.9-mile Twiford Street Multi-use Path at the intersection of Twiford Street and The Woods Road.

2 miles
Trail end points: Kitty Hawk Rd. & The Woods Rd. and US-158 E
Trail surfaces: Asphalt

Duck Trail…

…stretches the length of the Town of Duck, a beach resort in the Outer Banks. The trail links residential areas to the countless restaurants and charming local stores along Duck Road/ NC-12. Residents and visitors can ditch their cars and walk, run or ride on the paved pathway. Note that the trail can get crowded in the Village of Duck where most of the commerce is concentrated. While the trail is mostly completely separated from traffic, there is a short section stretching from the post office to approximately Marlin Drive where non-motorized users have to use the wide shoulders of Duck Road/ NC-12. However, the trail is well-signed, with markers every half-mile, and crosswalks are clearly marked.

Length: 6 miles
Trail end points: Cadwall Road and Jay Crest Road
Trail surfaces: Asphalt, Concrete

The Twiford Street Multi-use Path…

…can be found in the Outer Banks town of Kitty Hawk. The asphalt trail mimics Twiford Street between Rogers Road in the west to The Woods Road in the east. The pretty route passes by single-family homes sitting in big lots, as well as a stream and wetland. If you want to extend your journey, note that theTwiford Street trail connects with the David Paul Pruitt Jr. Multi-Use Path at the intersection of Twiford Street and The Woods Road.
Length: 0.9 miles
Trail end points: The Woods Road and Rogers Road
Trail surfaces: Asphalt

The Wright Brothers Multi-Use path…

Kitty Hawk is a charming seaside town in the Outer Banks, but it was the Wright Brothers of Ohio who put int on the map when in 1903, they piloted the first ever successful flight. The two names are now intertwined, and the town is more than happy to celebrate the connection. The Wright Brothers Multi-Use path is named for the pioneering inventors and airmen and is a 2500-foot concrete path facing Kitty Hawk Bay. The path extends from Windgrass Circle Park north to Beacon Drive, offering uninterrupted sea views.

Length: 0.5 miles
Trail end points: Windgrass Circle Park and Beacon Drive
Trail surfaces: Concrete

You can review maps for these trails in one place here…

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